Friends of Claude Bernard - Cheryl Tay

I’m a full-time student majoring in Communications, freelance photographer and part-time front desk warrior at a yoga studio!
Things you do in your free time
Free time doesn’t come by easily for me - but when I do get small pockets of time, I’d head out for a workout - be it yoga, boxing, or a spin class! I also gather a lot of energy being around friends, so it’s tough for me to turn down a casual shoot, coffee, or a feast with loved ones.
Hidden talent
I can move one eyeball without moving the other! Only observed IRL. Thoughts on Claude Bernard watches.
Quality, sturdy, full of heritage, and bound to last a lifetime. Good things can only be expected from Swiss made timepieces; Claude Bernard watches are no exception.
Favourite quote on time
“There’s no point in living in the past or living too far into the future. Just being and breathing in the present is most important; that’s how you’ll have the life you want.”

Your Aspiration
To be a professional photographer. I’ve been in the creative line since I started working a couple years back. I’ve just kicked off my freelance gig recently, and its steady progress reassures me that I’m (slowly, but surely) moving towards my end goal!
What would your ideal Valentine’s Day date be like?
I used to idealize Valentine’s Day when I was in my teenage years, but now that I’m in my 20s, the occasion is merely any other day to me. Despite its overratedness, I’d be more than happy to chill at a bar with my partner and just laugh about life.
What is your love language?
Quality time. I love being in the same space as my partner, friends and family. It doesn’t even matter if we’re doing mundane tasks, having a new experience, or something we’re comfortable with -- the time we spend together is the most important.
In your opinion, what should be done to ensure a long lasting relationship?
Being completely honest with your partner and have good communication; to trust them wholeheartedly and love them with an open heart.