Friends of Claude Bernard - Vanessa Ho

I’m a student of NUS Business Admin and Communications & New Media, a contributing writer at a local tech lifestyle magazine NXT, and a freelance event and commercial model.
Things you do in your free time?
I am learning how to DJ right now, so I do try to head to the studios when I can to practise and try out my new EDM or House songs. I also love to do anything sporty and active like going to the gym and doing a good weights workout. I just went to Stingray at Singapore Sports Hub to learn surfing, and did white water rafting, wakeboarding and parasailing in Bali!

How do you juggle your time between being an influencer and an intern?
Thankfully my internship is flexible and I can put work aside when need be, but during crunch time I do prioritise work as writing takes a good amount of time to produce quality articles. Other than that, I rush from place to place all the time to attend events and meet clients, and I do make a point to prioritise and make more time for something if it adds value to my life or give me a great experience. Studies is still on top!
Hidden talent
I am secretly quite flexible as I used to learn aerial hoop in the gym so I can do things like splits and backbends. I used to train every single night but I’m not so sure how good I am at it right now since I’m getting older and I’ve been practising less.
Most challenging moment ever faced while interning?
In journalism, I think the biggest challenge for every single writer is meeting deadlines especially when we have to write advertorials for clients. We also have to finish all our work before printing is scheduled with very strict deadlines. Sometimes I’m in the office until midnight just to complete articles or past midnight Starbuck.
About Claude Bernard watches
I can be rest assured that Claude Bernard’s Swiss-made watches have no less than high-quality craftsmanship and they’ll last me for years after years. The designs are also very timeless, a kind of classic that will endure even when trends come and go. I’m wearing one from Claude Bernard Swiss made Moonphase collection, a unisex watch with brown leather strap. I love how it looks tough and edgy, yet still suitable for females like me.

Favourite quote on time
Count your blessings.
Your Dream
Living in a world where I can still breathe fresh air and see all sorts of animals even when I’m 90.
If you can have one superpower, what would it be? How would you use that superpower to change the world?
Super-speed, like The Flash. So I can zoom straight to somewhere with disaster warnings like an earthquake and evacuate everyone before it even starts. Or simply to stop neighbourhood crimes.