Friends of Claude Bernard - Shivon Chua

Currently an Operation Administrator in a company
Laze in bed with my phone, iPad or laptop
Special talent no one knows
Errr… nothing

Style is a reflection of your attitude and personality. What tips do you have?
When you’re working full time, you would really like to keep your style and dressing as simple as possible
About Claude Bernard watches
Simple yet stylish.
Quote on time
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” - Steve Jobs

No one will believe this but I would like to open a tea house someday for people to relax and take a break off their hectic schedules. Everything is fast-paced in today’s world and I’m sure no one has the time to slow down their footsteps to enjoy what is placed in front of them (Eg: food/ scenery)
On surviving the corporate life!
Attitude is the key in the corporate world. I always believe that if one has a good and positive attitude in work and life, the person is ready to run a marathon that the corporate world has for him/her.